and invest in natural capital
Our vision is global economic resilience
powered by nature’s true worth
Nature is the world’s most valuable, yet undervalued asset. Global natural capital is worth upwards of $180 trillion—more than all the unicorns combined and over 1.5x global GDP. Yet $7 trillion is invested annually in nature degrading activities.
100% of the economy and human life are 100% dependent on nature, but only a fraction of nature’s true value is recognized in economic activity.
Symbaiosys is data platform with a mission to mobilize nature finance at scale, and to help organizations easily and accurately measure natural capital valuation. By providing analytics on the direct financial gains from investing in nature, Symbaiosys was built to complement platforms that have focused on climate and nature-related financial risks and losses.
Our taxonomy is aligned with nature and climate risk frameworks like the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and the Task Force on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD), in addition to The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB) and the IUCN’s Nature-based Solutions (NbS) principles.
View and adapt the taxonomy, or provide feedback and comments by clicking the button below.
Insurance Liabilities
“Nature-based solutions like mangroves could save billions in coastal flooding insurance claims, but assessing the cost benefit for just one site can take months, if not years!”
– Chief Actuary, Global Reinsurance Group
Physical Climate Risks
“Wildfires cost us $5B in settlements, wiping out 90% of our market value. Wetland restoration may have reduced our exposure, but we couldn’t justify the upfront costs.”
– Chief Risk, U.S. Utilities Company
Investment Bottlenecks
“We’ve committed billions to natural capital investments, but sourcing viable projects is like searching for a needle in a haystack. There’s not a lot of visibility on what’s out there.”
— Head of ESG Investments, Global Asset Manager
Supply Chain Risks
“Our clients in food, timber and construction face $8T in supply chain risks and a third are forced to source from more expensive suppliers due to extreme weather.”
– Natural Resources Advisory Lead, Big 4 Consulting Firm
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