Symbaiosys helps investors invest in natural capital.
Symbaiosys’s global nature investment database enables nature finance by providing institutional investors with access to natural capital market intelligence. We are equally dedicated to helping governments, communities, and the private sector understand the financial benefits of nature investments through our analytics.

Our solutions were designed in alignment with nature and climate risk frameworks like the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and the Task Force on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD), in addition to the IUCN’s nature-based solutions (NbS) principles and The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB). Our solutions also complement tools like ENCORE (Exploring Natural Capital Opportunities, Risks and Exposure).
  • Market-Rate Returns: Nature-based solutions (NbS) target 2-12% IRR (Finance Earth 2021) and are estimated to generate $800 billion in annual revenues and trillions of dollars in socio-economic co-benefits for local communities and economies (UNEP 2021).
  • Diversified Income Streams: Nature investments monetize through diverse revenue sources, including commodities like sustainable timber, regenerative agriculture and aquaculture, ecotourism, conservation easements, carbon credits, and more.
  • Portfolio Diversification: Many nature-based investments are less correlated with traditional financial assets like stocks and bonds, providing portfolio diversification and reducing exposure to market volatility.
  • Climate Resilience: With 90% of the world’s largest companies deemed to be highly exposed to the physical impacts of climate change by the 2050s (S&P Global 2022), both terrestrial and marine habitat restoration can provide an ecological hedge against climate-related risks like flooding, sea level rise and wildfires. Moreover, in a 1.5 degrees scenario, NbS are estimated to sequester 10-18 GtCO2 emissions per year by 2050 (UNEP 2021), contributing to net-zero targets.
  • Regulatory & Policy Support: Governments worldwide are implementing policies, regulations and incentives supporting biodiversity—including the adoption of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) to reverse nature loss, putting 30 per cent of the planet and 30 per cent of degraded ecosystems under protection by 2030.
According to the Recommendations of the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (2023), nature-related opportunities can occur through business model transformation and investments that actively work to halt or reverse the loss of nature, including the implementation of conservation, restoration and nature-based solutions, or support for them through financing or insurance.
Symbaiosys directly aligns with the following TNFD’s additional global disclosure metrics for responses to nature-related issues:
A20.0 Strategy- Engagement
Proportion of sites that have active engagement with local stakeholders on nature-related issues.

A21.0 Strategy- Capital allocation/investment
Value of investment in projects that avoid or reduce negative nature impacts or conserve or restore ecosystems or species where impacts cannot be avoided.

A21.1 Strategy- Capital allocation/investment
Investment in nature-related solutions as defined in relevant government or regulator green investment taxonomy.

A24.0 Dependency, impact, risk and opportunity management- Voluntary conservation, restoration and regeneration
Value invested in voluntary ecosystem and/or species restoration.

A24.1 Extent (km2), duration (years) and monitoring frequency (count/year) of voluntary ecosystem and/or species restoration projects.

A24.2 Value of investment in additional conservation actions split into type of action and type of ecosystem/biome applied to.
A24.3 Value of investment in nature-related community development programs intended to enhance positive impacts for Indigenous Peoples and affected stakeholders.



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