Algorithmically generated climate risk mitigation. Quantify the financial impact of any nature-based solutions project on your supply chain, physical assets, the economy, health, and more.
Nature-based solutions (NbS) could sequester at least 10GtCO2 emissions per year by 2050, and nature is the only climate technology with the potential to generate trillions of dollars in co-benefits—protecting people, portfolios, and the planet from the physical risks of climate change. Through AI-augmented models, Symbaiosys aims to enable granular and accessible natural capital valuation that is interdependent with financial decision making.
Recognizing nature’s intrinsic value, we believe using a science-based, tech-enabled approach to accurately measuring unaccounted co-benefits and ecosystem services–like reducing financial losses from natural disasters, decreasing public health expenditure, and increasing property values–represents a step towards redefining our relationship with the natural world. A relationship that evolves from extractive, or even protective, to symbiotic: viewing nature as our biggest social and economic partner.
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